Composition Assignment: Still Camera
Shoot a series of still images that meets the focus statement. Your goal should be to use a wide
variety of shots that make your story interesting.
Shot Description: Traditional Movie Introduction
Start with a wide establishing shot
Medium shot to establish characters (motive)
Close ups to show details, emotion or reactions
- Take 5-10 minutes to discuss your story and select your actors and camera operator
- Shoot your images in the order of the story.
- Take between 8 to 10 images.
- Vary your shots and angles. Every shot should be different than either the one before or the one after. Try to make every shot a different one. Be creative and demonstrate your mastery of the composition rules. Use the composition handout for reference.
- This should take you no more than 20 minutes.
- When you return to the room, remove the SD card and download the images onto the server at:
Computer -> Student -> Specialists -> Tech -> 6-Sixth Grade -> CameraTechnique
- Select a team spokesperson and someone to run the computer. The spokesperson will describe the type of shot and how it tells the story.
- Character one is walking down the hall and drops something.
- Character two picks it up.
- Finish the story.
Extension Activity
Shot Description: The Reveal
Start with a series of extreme close ups
End with a wide shot that reveals the surprise twist