Printed from "Life in the Tech Lab" site

Lesson 8: Final Graphics projects

Congratulations!  You did it.  You know enough about Flash to create fantastic animations. 

Final Project 1:  Make talking heads

You are going to make an animal or human animation that talks and the lips are synced to the talking.

Import to the stage a JPG of something you want to animate. Use either Google or Bing to find the image you want (make sure it is a JPG file -- use the options to narrow your search).   Once imported onto your Flash stage, click on MODIFY/BREAKAPART.  The entire picture will be covered with dots (selected).  Click anywhere on the stage to remove the dots.  Use the lasso selection tool to draw around the shape or part you want to move.  You will notice that that small section will become dotted (selected) once you have completed the lasso line.  Click on the arrow tool and drag the selected area to its new location.

To add music you need to locate the vocalization or better yet record your own using Garageband or other program. If you use GarageBand, you can record your voice by adding a new Basic Track (TRACK/NEW BASIC) and clicking on the circle button with the red dot in it.  When done recording click on the same button. When you are satisfied go to SHARE/SEND TO ITUNES.  You can also use Audacity to record.  Save your file as an MP3.  You may also go to the web for sound files. is an excellent site for free or shareware files.  Once there go to soundfx or loops in the menu. You need to download an MP3 file.  Once you have selected your sound by clicking on it, in flashkit it will come up on a screen in your browser.  You will see a play bar and should hear the music or sound.  To save the sound file, go to FILE/SAVE in your browser.  It will save it as a file to use in Flash.

Back in Flash, you must import your sound file into the library (FILE/IMPORT/IMPORT TO LIBRARY). Once there you will notice the song name in the bottom panel of the library and the waves in the top panel. (The library panel can be pulled up in the drop down menu of WINDOWS.)  Drag the music file in the library to a new layer in the frame you want it to begin.  You will see waves in the layer.



  • Layers – 3 used, labeled object, moving part, music
  • Frames
  • Talking synched


  • Figure creative and has a realistic sense of talking.

Final project 2:  30 second movie

In this project you will pick a short poem, verse of a poem or quote or write your own story.  Create an animation that illustrates the content of your choice.  Include the words of the poem or quote.  The animation must include both tweens and frame by frame animation.  It must be 30 seconds long at a minimum.  Music must also be included. Have fun.



  • Layers - used, labeled, order
  • Frames
  • Use of frame by frame
  • Tweens
  • Music
  • 30 seconds
  • Use of most of the concepts learned


  • Movie tells a story and is interesting to watch

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