Printed from "Life in the Tech Lab" site

Lesson 6: Motion Tween Extras

Lesson 6: Moving Graphics Along a Path

Concepts: controlling motion of a tween by use of paths and orientation..

Assignment:  Make an object follow a line.

Create a new Flash document.  Make a short (10 to 20 frames) motion tween with a simple shape such as a circle or a square.  Make the shape move from the top left hand corner to the bottom right hand corner.


The above illustration shows what your layer and timeline should look like at this point.

With the Guide Layer selected, Use the pencil tool to draw a line on the Stage showing the path you want the graphic to take. In frame 1, make sure the shape is centered over the beginning of the line and in the last frame the last shape is centered over the end of the line.

Run your movie.

You can hide the line by clicking on the dot under the eye on the Guide Layer.

You can have multiple objects moving on multiple paths but they all must be on separate layers.


Orienting an object to a line.


You can also change the speed of your tween by changing the ease.  This can be found in the Properties Manager.

Save this project as “following”

Project One

Concepts:  controlling motion of a tween by use of paths and orientation.

Make an airplane or bird fly along a path.  The object must move along the path correctly oriented to the line.  Draw a background in another layer.

Minimum requirements:  2 layers, background, moving object

Save the file as “flight”




  • Layers – use, number, labeled
  • Path tween


  • Object flies realistically across the sky.

Project Two (Final Motion Tweening project)

Draw a 60 frame animation.  It must include one object moving smoothly by a regular motion tween and another object following a path.  Extra credit will be given if there are multiple tweens in either object.  In the above example the snail moves across the screen, the antennas go back and forth and the bee follows at path.  Use multiple layers

Minimum requirements: 4 layers, path tween, motion tween.

Save file as “final motion”




  • Motion Tween
  • Layers – use, number, labels
  • Path tween
  • Secondary Motion Tween


  • Effective use of tweens

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