Printed from "Life in the Tech Lab" site

Claymation Project Rubric






Story Line

Has only a beginning, middle or an ending but no complete story.

Has a beginning and some middle, but no ending to the story.

Story has a beginning middle and end.

Story has a beginning, middle and strong ending.

Character Voices

Voices are confusing and lack rehearsal.  Hard to understand.

Voices lack rehearsal and have many pauses.

Voices are rehearsed, move quickly with the story and are easy to understand.

Voices are rehearsed, help the listener understand the story, and have strong emotion.

Claymation Production

No backgrounds
Claymation is jerky or has big gaps.
Characters either don’t interact at all or their movement doesn’t support your story.

Not all scenes have backgrounds.
Claymation movement of characters has gaps and isn’t smooth.
Characters interact with each other in limited ways that don’t fit the story.

Backgrounds for each scene are included.
Claymation shows movement of characters.
Characters interact with each other in some way to help us understand the story.

Good backgrounds with enough detail to be interesting, but not overwhelming.
Claymation shows the movement of characters with good detail.
Characters move smoothly on the screen and interact with each other to support the story.

Final Production

Video not complete.

Claymation scenes joined together.
Character voices done at proper places.

Video includes title.
Claymation scenes are joined together well and include video transitions.
Character voices done at proper places.
End credits include:

  • Char. Voices
  • Producers
  • Reference to the original fairy tale author

Video includes music in the intro (title) and the end credits.

Video includes title with music that sets the mood for the story.
Claymation scenes are joined together well and include video transitions that help tell the story.
End credits use animated template and  include:

  • Char. Voices
  • Producers
  • Reference to the original fairy tale author

Video includes music in the intro section that sets a mood for the video  and the end credits that leaves people with a strong feeling for your work..

Problem Solving Skills

Gave up without trying.

Identified obstacles in the production of the video, but only solved them with lots of help.

Identified obstacles and found ways to work around them.
Used the online help in computer applications to try to find a solution with teacher help.

Identified obstacles in the production of the video and used ingenuity to solve them.
Used online help in computer programs to find solutions for problems with little help from the teacher.

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