Claymation Project Rubric
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Story Line |
Has only a beginning, middle or an ending but no complete story. |
Has a beginning and some middle, but no ending to the story. |
Story has a beginning middle and end. |
Story has a beginning, middle and strong ending. |
Character Voices |
Voices are confusing and lack rehearsal. Hard to understand. |
Voices lack rehearsal and have many pauses. |
Voices are rehearsed, move quickly with the story and are easy to understand. |
Voices are rehearsed, help the listener understand the story, and have strong emotion. |
Claymation Production |
No backgrounds |
Not all scenes have backgrounds. |
Backgrounds for each scene are included. |
Good backgrounds with enough detail to be interesting, but not overwhelming. |
Final Production |
Video not complete. |
Claymation scenes joined together. |
Video includes title.
Video includes music in the intro (title) and the end credits. |
Video includes title with music that sets the mood for the story.
Video includes music in the intro section that sets a mood for the video and the end credits that leaves people with a strong feeling for your work.. |
Problem Solving Skills |
Gave up without trying. |
Identified obstacles in the production of the video, but only solved them with lots of help. |
Identified obstacles and found ways to work around them. |
Identified obstacles in the production of the video and used ingenuity to solve them. |