Printed from "Life in the Tech Lab" site


Biography Timeline Project

In this project you will create a timeline that highlights some of the most important events in the life of the person whose biography you chose to read. You will create the timeline in PowerPoint. Use the rubric below to make sure you include all the necessary items.

To earn a S grade: To earn an E grade:


Name of the famous person in large type on the top of the slide.


Name of the famous person in large type formatted with a nice font, color and a box around the name on the top of the slide.


A timeline along the bottom.


A timeline divided into at least 4 sections with each section being a different color. Your timeline sections eacb have at least one effect.

One callout for each of the FIVE events you choose to tell about. You must include:

One callout for each of the SIX events you choose to tell about. The callouts have at least one effect and filled with colors that match the event. You must include:


Callout 1: Date the person was born, location they were born and their parent's name.


Callout 1: Date the person was born, location they were born and their parent's name.


Callout 2, 3, 4: Each will highlight an important event in the person's life. The callout will include the date of the event, one complete sentence to describe the event, and where the event happened.


Callout 2, 3, 4: Each will highlight an important event in the person's life. The callout will include the date of the event, one complete sentence to describe the event, and where the event happened.


Callout 5: The date the person died and the location of their death.


Callout 5: The date the person died and the location of their death.


One picture of the event you are telling about for each callout. Pictures of the birth and death could be pictures of the location if you can't find any other good pictures.


One picture of the event you are telling about for each callout. Pictures of the birth and death could be pictures of the location if you can't find any other good pictures. Each picture is nicely formatted and has pleasing effects.




The slide has a soft background.


Your name appears in the lower right corner.


Your name appears in the lower right corner. Your name has a nice border around it that makes it easy to see and read.


You have a picture of the person featured in the timeline in the upper left corner.


You have a picture of the person featured in the timeline in the upper left corner. The picture is formatted to stand out (for example, it is in an oval shape with a drop shadow and a beveled edge).

See what a S timeline looks like by clicking here! See what an E timeline looks like by clicking here!


Before you can begin on the computer, you must complete the Timeline Events Planner. Click here if you need a blank planner for your timeline.

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